We know that the vast majority of nurses and midwives are good practitioners – we need a system for the many, not the few
Public paying the price as they lose their local library or face increasing charges, dwindling opening hours and shrinking staffing levels
Herefordshire council cabinet decides to call a special meeting of the full council on Friday 24 May for an open debate on cuts proposals
Any qualified provider is a way of commissioning services that opens up the NHS to a huge range of different providers, as patients will choose from a list of providers for a growing number of healthcare services
The Ministry of Justice sets out its plans to radically reform the way in which probation services are delivered in England and Wales with the privatisation of 70% of probation work in 21 new contract areas
UNISON members back campaign to resist heavy job cuts and destruction of non-statutory public services in Herefordshire
UNISON demands to know what has happened since February budget and pledges to fight to save jobs and services
MacAskill tells Cardiff May Day rally of UNISON’s ‘potential big idea’ to boost the Welsh economy
UNISON condemns chancellor for meddling with Robin Hood Tax outside the UK
Campaign will champion jobs and services and build to the general election