The union commends ‘a long overdue set of proposals that will bring much-needed relief to working people’
employment rights bill
Final 2024 meeting of the national executive council heard that membership has grown over the year, with the largest percentage in social care
What is it? How will it change members’ working lives? How did we get here? And what happens next? An introduction to the ERB
In our new series focused on the government’s Employment Rights Bill, UNISON’s legal team considers the many benefits in the proposed legislation for the union’s one million women members
In a win for UNISON, yesterday the government confirmed plans to double the time limit by which tribunal claims must be brought to six months
Union’s director of political strategy and transformation Maggi Ferncombe (pictured) said: ‘We have a common goal with all employers, we want good quality public services’
In the days leading up to the vote, over 13,000 UNISON members emailed their MPs, asking them to back the bill at second reading
Consultations begin for other measures to improve workplace rights
First meeting since the general election also hears about developments on organising and on fighting racism and the far right