Writer and veteran campaigner Harry Leslie Smith looks to the past and shares his hopes – and fears – for the future
fighting cuts and privatisation in the NHS
Hundreds of student nurses have protested against proposed cuts to bursaries
After years seeking justice for his murdered son, Conroy Lawrence has turned his campaigning spirit towards protecting the NHS and his trade union rights
UNISON says that the problem is a result of government spending cuts
UNISON has said standards will fall and patients suffer after Luton and Dunstable Hospital Trust chose to privatise a range of services
Union writes to the Secretary of State for Health asking him not to allow the award of a huge NHS contract to a private company
Five years of austerity have ‘inflicted long-term damage ‘on Welsh communities
UNISON has today (Monday) strongly condemned the government’s decision to award primary care support services – one of the largest NHS contracts worth £1bn over ten years – to outsourcing giant Capita.
UNISON warns against plans to outsource cleaning and hospital meals at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, which could see meals prepared off-site and reheated at the hospital
After three years in the hands of private company Serco, Suffolk’s community healthcare is being returned to NHS control on 1 October this year