More than 400 people will receive a pay rise, the majority part-time female staff
UNISON joined Redcar racecourse recently to get the message out about the importance of registering to vote before the 20 April deadline
Council’s move to phase in the living wage an ‘historic day’ for UNISON, says local branch
UNISON health members in England are taking five days of action for fair pay next week – starting first thing on Monday morning – and will be joined by colleagues in other unions including midwives
‘Make sure you come along, show your support and make a difference’
UNISON calls for NJC employers to rethink and come forward with a pay offer which ‘begins to tackle the hardship facing all of our members’ in local government and schools (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
‘Five days for fair pay’ starts with a four-hour strike on Monday 13 October, followed by four days of action short of a strike for the rest of the week
Delegates told about the “dirty secret” of the employment figures and why the Immigration Bill is a “disgraceful and cynical piece of legislation”
UNISON General secretary Dave Prentis has made an impassioned plea to end “the cycle of desperation” and defend all that the union movement has achieved
“We can save our NHS, but the time to act is now,” UNISON president Lucia McKeever told a rally in Nottingham during the People’s March for the NHS