The UCEA’s decision not to present a pay offer ‘sends a message that employers don’t understand the urgency of the issue’
pay in education
University staff provide vital services, but they’ve seen the value of their pay plummet
There were plenty of plaudits for key workers during the pandemic, but gratitude has not extended to members’ pay packets. And their financial worries are mounting
‘Casualisation is short sighted, bad for staff and bad for students’ says UNISON, as it reveals growing scale of the problem
Employers also offer further joint work on gender pay and casualisation
John Moores joins ‘growing number’ of universities gaining accreditation as living wage employers
Employers’ initial offer to higher education unions does not include the living wage
Higher education conference backs call for 5% or £1,000 pay rise
UNISON condemns growing pay gap in higher education as new report shows that senior managers’ pay grew by 3% last year