Our Save Our Services campaign day of action on 19 October this year focuses on libraries – a hub and a haven in our communities offering a place for people to work, relax, discover and think
Save Our Local Services

UNISON will continue to ‘harness members voices from the frontline’ in its campaigning

‘We must fight for well-funded, accessible local services that will benefit everyone in our communities’

UNISON wants to see public services at the top of the agenda during the metro mayor elections
MPs’ report highlights growing threat to UK’s parks and open spaces as cuts bite deeper

Black workers are usually the first to lose their job in a recession – and this has been true for services provided by local government in the latest recession

UNISON members share their experiences of what the local government cuts have meant for library services where they live and work

UNISON members share their experiences of what the local government cuts have meant for library services where they live and work