The story behind the Supreme Court victory that cements the right to strike in UK law
Strike Action
UNISON’s legal case makes clear employers must not discipline staff for striking
The union is challenging government regulations that allow employers to hire agency staff to replace striking workers
As UNISON members continue to take strike action, the union is asking for donations to its strike fund
The pay crisis that our members are dealing with won’t go away if the government sticks to their current game-plan of ignoring workers and their unions
Want to support our NHS strikers? Below are five ways you can show your solidarity with UNISON members on picket lines next week
“We went on strike because the NHS will only last as long as there are folk with the faith to fight for it. NICE staff and our NHS colleagues are those folk”
Long-running dispute will go for definitive ruling in highest court
UNISON secure significant improvements to the Scottish local government pay offer after industrial action across sectors