Lewisham is not the first and won’t be the last hospital to come under attack by this government, warns UNISON
fighting cuts and privatisation in the NHS
UNISON urges people to attend protest against planned closure
Five-day strike kicks off this weekend as 70 redundancies threatened
Comparison to Olympic ‘games makers’ misleading, adds the union
Patients must come before profits, says UNISON general secretary
Tory cuts are already seeing A and E waiting times lengthen, but union says this will spread throughout the NHS
UNISON declares the autumn statement a crushing disappointment as it reduces NHS spending once again
Unions calls for more scrutiny into risks, including those to the founding ethos of the NHS
10,000 people turned out to protect the A&E department in Lewisham
UNISON ‘overwhelmed by the response from the community’ as march sees huge turnout to defend Lewisham hospital