UNISON backs wide-ranging proposals that will give families, the young and low-paid a chance of a decent home
UNISON calls on the government to start an urgent programme of building affordable homes and social housing that people on low incomes can afford
UNISON is calling for action to help people in rented accomodation, as the Independent reveals 50,000 families have been forced out of their London homes by welfare reforms and rising rents
New report from Just Fair Consortium highlights concerns over housing
New Shelter report shows scale of housing problem facing first-time buyers in every region of England
UNISON welcomes new law which aims to protect renters
Rent Freedom Day offers UNISON members – and particularly young members – an opportunity to have their voice heard
UNISON manifesto sets out the challenges facing public services and policies needed to meet them
Speak out now against county council plans to axe homelessness funding descrbed as cruel and short-sighted
Private sector rents and waiting lists for social housing will spiral out of control unless the government commits to building affordable housing