UNISON members strike in Northern Ireland

UNISON members in health, social care and education will be among tens of thousands of public service workers on stirke across Northern Ireland on 13 March

Article on the UNISON National site.

Northern Ireland ambulance strike action

Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and UNISON engage in a process to address gaps in emergency cover – press statement issued jointly by NIAS and trade unions

Article on the UNISON National site.

Statement from UNISON Northern Ireland Ambulance Branch

UNISON Northern Ireland Ambulance Branch is extremely concerned at headline stories in the media today that appear to be an attempt to distort our intentions on 13 March

Article on the UNISON National site.

Show your support for public services in Northern Ireland

On Friday 13 March UNISON members in health and education in Northern Ireland will take strike action to help save public services

Article on the UNISON National site.

NI health, social care and education members vote to strike

Members in health and social services and in schools and education facilities throughout Northern Ireland have voted in favour of strike action

Article on the UNISON National site.

Budget cuts put health screening at risk

UNISON warns Northern Ireland legislators that proposed £2.8m cut to Public Health Agency will put cancer and diabetes screening programmes at risk

Article on the UNISON National site.

Northern Ireland members to vote on strike action

‘Enough is enough’ say UNISON members in Northern Ireland, as strike ballot across health and education services opens until 24 February

Article on the UNISON National site.

Northern Ireland ballot under way

UNISON members across health and education services in Northern Ireland are voting in an industrial action ballot which closes on 24 February

Article on the UNISON National site.

Union calls for daily meal service to be kept

UNISON in the South Eastern Trust calls on health minister to insist the decision to change vital meal provisions is reversed

Article on the UNISON National site.

UNISON supports St Mary’s College, Falls Road, Belfast

College is ‘highly valued by the students, teachers, our UNISON members working there and the people of the west of this city’

Article on the UNISON National site.