Process must also be independent, says the union, in the wake of the massive fine handed to Southern Water for deliberate acts of pollution

Delegates hear how people join the union because of what it does on keeping workplaces and workers safe

Help build the union’s campaign on greening our public services

June was another busy month for the union – more victories for our members, and conferences in Liverpool

UNISON members won’t accept Centrica proposals to work longer, pay more and get less

Safety, new working practices and the increased use of technology were high on the agenda of the UNISON water, environment and transport conference in Brighton.

New Year Honours list includes MBEs for members working for the Environment Agency to protect the country from floods

Water, environment and transport delegates debate a wide range of motions as their conference opens in Brighton
Many UNISON members will be keeping the country going over Christmas and the new year
‘Our aim is to make sure this legislation is not carried’, NEC meeting hears