As part of Black History Month, Mary Folashade Onafalujo shares her personal journey, from arriving in the UK to being a national officer at UNISON
World Menopause Day is a reminder that the menopause is a workplace issue, says Christina McAnea
The pandemic has seen a devastating increase in hate crime, domestic abuse, homelessness and mental health issues for LGBT+ people
The union will work with the TUC to address the discredited report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, which downplays structural and institutional racism
Challenging all forms of racism in the workplace is vital to UNISON’s work
The Lawrence Review endorses UNISON’s view that decades of discrimination have left Black communities over-exposed and under-protected from COVID-19
UNISON says the government’s response to the Gender Recognition Act consultation is a missed opportunity and has, once again, let down the trans community
Shadow minister for disabled people endorses UNISON’s equality work
Eileen Best, of UNISON’s national LGBT+ committee, talks of the pandemic’s massive impact on mental wellbeing
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