Welcoming delegates to conference, she spoke of her history in the union and her year as president before presenting the Eric Roberts award
There is still time for branches to make donations to the president’s charity
Gordon McKay urges activists to continue the fight against Conservative policies that knowingly hurt working people
UNISON’s new president Gordon McKay talks about his ambitions for his year in office
Ayrshire mental health nurse Gordon Mckay knew he had to act when he saw a colleague reduced to tears by a manager in the 1990s – now he’s the union president
UNISON’s National Executive Council (NEC) has elected Gordon McKay, a mental health nurse from Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, as president at the union’s annual national conference in Brighton. Gordon started working for the NHS in 1987 and joined UNISON’s predecessor, NUPE, on the same day. Gordon, who has been part of the presidential team for a year, […]
UNISON president and hospital catering assistant Margaret McKee gives rousing speech to women’s conference
General secretary Dave Prentis speaks at funeral, recalling Eric as ‘a man who inspired happiness, loyalty, good memories and love’
‘We should make Eric proud by continuing on in the union – let’s make and keep this the best union’