What’s it like to be a healthcare student?

UNISON is asking students to take part in an online survey to gather evidence about their experience on placements and at university, and how it affects them and their family

News on the UNISON National site.

Proposed changes to health degrees could hit students from poorer backgrounds, says UNISON

If grants and payment of tuition fees disappear and are replaced by loans, we risk burdening nursing and midwifery students with huge debts

Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON student nurses lead march on Trafalgar square

Nursing students from across the country are converging on London today (Wednesday February 20), to lead a march organised by the National Union of Students demanding “Grants Not Fees,” and calling for an end to nursing bursaries. Over 10,000 students and supporters are expected to join the march across London, which heads off from outside the University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street at 12.00pm. The marchers will make their way to a rally at Trafalgar Square to be addressed by speakers including Ken Livingstone.

Article on the UNISON National site.