New survey investigates the current state of support received by new nurses, midwives and nursing associates
student nurses
COVID-19 caused a major disruption to nurse training. So UNISON’s student nurses decided to form a network to find solutions
Proper pay and protection needed for those who volunteer
Don’t believe the promises on public spending
The words are fine, but action and government investment is needed to make Augar review recommendations work
Student nurses can get an extra benefit from their UNISON membership
Emily Heron’s dream to become a nurse is being thwarted by the government’s decision to scrap the NHS bursary
UNISON health delegates hear moving proof of the value of the bursary for student nurses
Healthcare assistants (HCAs) working in the NHS are doing the jobs of nurses without the equivalent pay or education, says a report from UNISON published today (Friday). Two in five (39%) say they have not received the training necessary to provide the care expected of them such as looking after dementia patients, according to the […]
Responding to the announcement today (Thursday) that the government is to plough ahead with scrapping nursing bursaries and replacing them with loans and fees, UNISON head of health Christina McAnea said: “It was clear from the start that this consultation was a sham. Ministers have simply not listened. They seem not to care that in […]