Local government delegates back call from the national women’s committee for a ‘gender agenda’ to level the playing field
You can help the fight back against attacks on the equality duty by asking your MP to ask them to sign an early day motion reaffirming commitment to the duty
A slight fall in UK jobless figures masks a dismal picture for the West Midlands, says UNISON
The report is in preparation for the examination of the UK government by the UN CEDAW committee in July 2013
Fawcett Society says Queen’s Speech is “a false economy when we need the full talents and skills of or workface – men and women – contributing to growth”
Mining communities in Scotland took part in a new film charting the impact of the General Strike on their lives, to be screened tonight in London
Join hundreds of people from across the UK for a unique weekend of hands-on training in feminist activism
Union says it has only been two years since the Public Sector Equality Duty came into force and this review is premature
UNISON offered a lifeline for a member who felt a prisoner in her own home
UNISON calls on government to start undoing the damage it has done to women