Drawn to the homeless

A UNISON member talks about his unusual art project

Attacked: life on the frontline of the NHS

A paramedic recalls her experience of violence at work

This is your life

Local government workers are champions. They affect all our lives, every day

Celebrating our local services champions

The people who make our lives better, from dawn till dusk

How to… develop your workplace contacts

A workplace contact can often be your next important activist – UNISON’s Learning and Organising Services team offers some tips on guiding them on the next steps

Learning to lead as LGBT

February is LGBT History Month. Here, UNISON member Nick O’Reilly talks about the challenge of being out and a manager

New film depicts infamous Peterloo Massacre

Mike Leigh’s historical adviser talks about the research that informs the recounting of the 19th century pro-democracy rally that ended in tragedy

Grounding a coup

A new documentary celebrates an act of international solidarity by Scottish factory workers that has entered into union folklore.

Justice restored

It’s one year since UNISON beat the government at the Supreme Court and forced an immediate change in the law. The case made headlines. Now we can tell the full story of how David beat Goliath. It’s a remarkable, epic tale that spans over four years. And it’s all true.

A time to celebrate

ON UNISON’s 25th birthday, general secretary Dave Prentis takes stock of the union’s achievements and of what lies in store in the future