The election is everywhere and many UNISON members and activists, along with other Labour supporters, are out canvassing for Labour on the doorstep – here are some tips from experienced doorstepper David Arnold
labour link

Results of the election for the UNISON Labour Link national committee
I know that our Labour Link will remain vital in fighting for our union’s politics within Labour. Influencing, convincing and fighting for that radical Labour government our members need. But it’s not just Labour people I’ve been speaking to this week.
Nominations will open on 14 May: nomination forms and other materials will be available on the web from 7 May

‘Only a united party can protect public services, jobs and disadvantaged communities,’ says Dave Prentis

Health pay, local government cuts, outsourcing, Brexit…. new term, same curriculum

A Labour government – it’s been too long. We have a real chance to change that, and elect a Labour government with a conscience, a heart, Socialism at its core – and UNISON at its heart.

Angela Rayner addresses UNISON’s national delegate conference

Labour MP Eleanor Smith urges delegates at Black members’ conference to get involved politically to build hope and change